public posts

The select public posts from syn·op·sis, written and reviewed by iSci students at McMaster University. Each post is interdisciplinary in nature, and a wide variety of subject matter is covered. So sit back, relax, and start learning.

Birth Control – But for Whom?

In light of the changing political climate, specifically with the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade in the United States, the rate of birth control prescriptions is on the rise (Langmaid, 2022). The most common form of birth control remains oral contraceptives (OCs), with 75% of Canadian and 88% of American females taking OCs at Read the full article…

Being Mindful of the Mindfulness Trend

Have you ever participated in any of the mindfulness or meditation trends? Using the new Calm app, going to meditation circles, or delving into the ‘self-help’ plans propagated by the media? Before you dive into the mindfulness meditation (MM) trends, you should ensure you’re aware of both their benefits and faults. MM trends have swept Read the full article…

Shining Light on the New Wave of Neurobiology

Since its inception in 2005, optogenetics has revolutionised neurobiology—researchers are now closer than ever to determining the functions, behaviours, and pathologies of individual neurons (Boyden, 2011). As this technology continues to develop, it underscores the intersectionality of optics and genetics and shapes scientific perception of neural dysfunction and mood disorders (Guru, et al., 2015). An Read the full article…